Thanks for hearing me out!
Before I have you fill out the form, I'd love to take the opportunity to clarify any confusion you may have about what I'm offering here.
Why on Earth am I offering this for free?
My long term plan is to eventually charge for this service, but in order to do that I need to prove myself. By taking on this service, I hope that we can help each other out.
I'll work with you to get your portfolio in perfect condition for an entry to mid level ranged role, and in return I hope that you'll give me a positive testimonial once you land your first development job.
That's it. No strings attached. I want to prove I have what it takes to get people hired before I start charging money for it.
Perhaps when I do start charging for my services you'll be able to join my team and help others accomplish what you did yourself!
Since I'm offering this service for free, I have to be selective with who I let in. I'll only be accepting four students. I hope you're one of them. Remember, I'm a working software engineer with a full-time day job, so my time is limited.
How long does the program last?
It lasts until you get a job. If you don't give up on your job search, I won't give up on it either. We're in this together. I'm prepared for the long haul. Are you?
What does the program consist of?
There are several parts:
Portfolio Creation: 3-5 impactful products in industry adopted tech stacks that actually solve real problems. At least one will be an open source library targeted toward other developers and students.
Resume workshops: Let's get that resume of yours shining! We'll revise and revise until we get it right.
LinkedIn Marketing: Marketing yourself on LinkedIn is a skill. You're targeting recruiters, not engineers! Let's get you connecting with the right people and starting the right conversations.
Personal Website Creation: Let's establish your personal website, and possibly your personal brand.
Github Presence: We'll make your github profile stand out, and we'll market one of the open source libraries you publish so it gets stars and you get followers.
Medium Articles: Yes, you'll be publishing content on medium about technical concepts you're familiar with.
Whatever else it takes. We will build the foundations for a successful career in tech that you can adapt and refine until you retire.
If you've gotten this far and want to give things a try, fill out the form below and let's connect!
Due to the highly limited availability I'll only be accepting applications until Friday, September 4th.
Now is the only time this will be free. Future clients will have to pay at least $1000 for this service. Get in now while you can!
If you don't see the form appear above, you may need to hit the Start button.
If you still have any doubts, feel free to send me an email at odd@hey.com, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.